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中文 26.01.2013 - 啊哈哈哈哈在世界F3系列距第一还差13




中文 15.03.2023 - 今天我來到台... 显示全文


中文 17.02.2023 - 안녕하세요, 대한민국。 htt... 显示全文


中文 03.12.2020 - 你叫凯赞。我... 显示全文


中文 23.05.2017 - 本人刚玩于是... 显示全文


中文 06.07.2015 - 求教赛车怎么... 显示全文


中文 15.04.2015 - F1赛事在MRC过于... 。是领导者100点 显示全文


中文 31.03.2014 - 大家一起来加... 显示全文

CHIPPer Racing - F1 中唯一基地在中国的车队!

中文 19.03.2014 - 作为唯一中国... F1 车队, 我们真... Club)给予我们最... F1 世界一个极大... 显示全文

Xiaoxin Liu宣布退役

中文 01.10.2013 - Xiaoxin Liu在结束自己... Liu的职业生涯... Liu目前还保持... Liu职业最辉煌... 3 World Series总冠军。... Liu转战Indy大奖... Liu的状态一个... 显示全文


中文 23.07.2013 - 今天无聊,在... 显示全文


中文 19.03.2013 - 您好, 欢迎来到 My Racing Career! 我希望这个游... 为了您更容易... 如果您有任何疑问, 我将很高兴为... http://myracingcaree... 游戏开始时,... - 在 My Racing Career 的论坛里,您可... 询问有经验的玩家, 提出您的建议等等 ! 这里是论坛 http://www.myracingc... http://www.myracingc... 显示全文


中文 11.02.2013 - 北京时间2月11... 第二赛季世界... Liu后来居上夺... 由于在第一比... Liu意外冲出赛... Liu第十四位发... Liu也成功逆转... 显示全文

Xiaoxin Liu祝全球的华人华侨在新的一年里大吉大利,心想事成

中文 09.02.2013 - 今晚是中国的... Liu代表车队全... 显示全文


中文 26.01.2013 - 啊哈哈哈哈在... 显示全文

Sir_ErikSalama´s Christmas Land

English 14.12.2024 - This took me and my dad 2 weeks to do. Our every year tadition where we try to make our house into Christmas land [url=https:/... 显示全文

Craig Gardner finishes 5th on F1 debut

English 13.12.2024 - <div>Despite a relative lack of success in lower categories for a Formula 1 driver, there has been a lot of hype surrounding the arrival of Craig Gardner to the series.&nbsp; They've shown a lot of pace in qualifying throughout the seasons, and it was on display again in Melbourne as Gardner finished Q3 in 6th ahead of former world champion&nbsp;Ca... however was understandably nervous on lap 1, and conceded the place back to the Red Bull driver before settling into 7th place until... 显示全文

Porsche Racing: Superlicence for free

English 07.12.2024 - I would like to remind everyone, that we are still rewarding our supporters that help us with their activity/voting point donations. By regularly voting and logging in daily our supporters can earn enough points to get enough points to buy themself a superlicence for the entire season. If you don’t know how to vote, you can check the video tutorial we’ve made: - https://www.youtube.... the end of the season: - all donors of 1500+ voting points will receive 120 coins; - all donors of 125... 显示全文

Erik Rosberg´s 5 Season Domination

English 23.11.2024 - Last 5 seasons have been successful for Erik Rosberg Season 54: Erik Rosberg wins the TCR Europe championship. Season 55: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship. Season 56: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship for the second time. Season 57: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship. Season 58: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship for the second time Four races remain in the World TCR series, and the lead over competitors is 107 points. Erik Rosberg has climbed in... 显示全文

The Triple Crown

English 02.11.2024 - The Triple Crown is the most important and prestigious achievement in all of motorsport and it consists of winning the <b>Monaco Grand Prix</b>, the <b>Indianapolis 500</b> and the <b>24 Hours of Le Mans</b>. With the arrival of hypercars in the game last season, the achievement can now be won in-game too.<div><b... I decided to search for who could be the first driver to achieve such an important career goal.</div><... closest active driver t... 显示全文

Leonard Ellison Retires at 21, Shifts Focus to Social Media Stardom After Unsuccessful Racing Career

English 21.10.2024 - <h2 style="font-size: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">... style="font-size: medium;"><font style="vertical... inherit;">&l... style="vertical... inherit;">In a shocking turn of events, Leonard Ellison, a once-promising racing prodigy, has announced his retirement from professional racing at the tender age of 21. After years of struggling to make a name for himself in the cutthroat world of ... 显示全文
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