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Прес-Релізи Користувача

Офіційний Журнал MyRacingCareer.com
Прес-Релізи Користувача: Іспанія miguelvr

La Temporada 59 de Miguel Llorens: Prometedora però Desafiant

Català 30.12.2024 - La temporada 59 de My Racing Career va començar amb grans expectatives per al jove pilot espanyol Miguel Llorens. Després del seu impressionant rendiment a la F4 Alemanya, Llorens va entrar a la competició amb l'esperança de consolidar-se com un dels... Показати повністю

La Temporada 59 de Miguel Llorens: Prometedora pero Desafiante

Español 30.12.2024 - La temporada 59 de My Racing Career comenzó con grandes expectativas para el joven piloto español Miguel Llorens. Tras su impresionante desempeño en la F4 Alemana, Llorens entró en la competición con la esperanza de consolidarse como uno de los mejor... Показати повністю

La meva absència d'aquesta setmana

Català 08.11.2024 - Benvolguts companys de joc, Volia prendre un moment per disculpar-me per la meva absència en el joc aquesta setmana. Malauradament, la DANA que ha afectat la província de València ha tingut un gran impacte en la meva vida i en la de moltes persone... Показати повністю

Mi ausencia en el juego en ese semana

Español 08.11.2024 - Queridos compañeros de juego, Quería tomar un momento para disculparme por mi ausencia en el juego esta semana. Desafortunadamente, la DANA que ha afectado a la provincia de Valencia ha tenido un gran impacto en mi vida y en la de muchas personas ... Показати повністю

"Desafiaments i Resiliència: La Temporada 58 de Miguel Llorens

Català 09.10.2024 - En l'emocionant temporada 58 del joc en línia MyRacingCareer, el pilot Miguel Llorens va començar amb grans expectatives, impulsades pel seu alt rating. Amb l'esperança d'aconseguir el podi en la classificació general, Llorens i el seu equip es van p... Показати повністю

Temporada 57, bon inici, millor final

Català 25.07.2024 - La Destacada Temporada 57 de Miguel Llorens La temporada 57 ha estat testimoni de la impressionant trajectòria del pilot Miguel Llorens. Amb una combinació de talent innat i determinació ferma, Llorens ha destacat en cadascuna de les curses, cons... Показати повністю

La historia de Miguel Llorens

Català 25.04.2024 - La història de Miguel Llorens a la categoria Supercars és una muntanya russa d’emocions i determinació. Malgrat enfrontar-se a una ferotge competència, aquest apassionat pilot australià ha demostrat una tenacitat inquebrantable en el seu tercer any a... Показати повністю

Miguel Llorens: El Pilot que Desafia les Probabilitats a la Categoria Supercars

Català 15.03.2024 - En el vertiginós món de les curses de cotxes, Miguel Llorens s’ha convertit en un nom que no passa desapercebut. Malgrat enfrontar-se a una ferotge competència a la categoria Supercars, aquest apassionat pilot ha demostrat una tenacitat inquebrantabl... Показати повністю

Miguel Llorens: El Piloto que Desafía las Probabilidades en la Categoría Supercars

Español 15.03.2024 - En el vertiginoso mundo de las carreras de coches, Miguel Llorens se ha convertido en un nombre que no pasa desapercibido. A pesar de enfrentarse a una feroz competencia en la categoría Supercars, este apasionado piloto ha demostrado una tenacidad in... Показати повністю

grupo activo

Español 20.06.2023 - Propongo como canal activo el telegram, no es necesario casi ni saber el numero de móvil del resto. Se puede subir contenido a la nube tipo archivos de excel(configuraciones), pdf con la guia (para que no pueda ser modificada) o imágenes y videos... Показати повністю

Пропоную Чемпіонат за старими трасах Формули 1 початку 90 років.

Українська 12.09.2019 - Пропоную Чемпіонат за старими трасах Формули 1 початку 90 років. З такою ж довжиною траси як і в Формулі 1. Складається він з 2 чемпіонатів в яких було б бажано взяти участь (min and max Moto ChampionShip). Стартує він в ці вихідні. Сподіваюся продов... Показати повністю


English 17.03.2025 - PODIUM FOR GERMAIN IN MONACO – A TOUGH DAY IN THE PRINCIPALITY The streets of Monte Carlo delivered their usual drama, and Red Bull Racing walks away with a bittersweet result. Germain brought home a solid P3, securing another podium after a st... Показати повністю


English 16.03.2025 - GERMAIN TAKES POLE IN MONACO! Precision. Perfection. Pole Position. Germain delivers an incredible lap around the streets of Monaco, mastering every corner to secure P1 on the grid for the most iconic race of the season! Meanwhile, Campolago wi... Показати повністю


English 15.03.2025 - GERMAIN WINS THE IMOLA GRAND PRIX – THIRD VICTORY OF THE SEASON! What a weekend for Red Bull Racing! Germain delivers a brilliant drive at the historic Imola circuit to take his third win of the season, showing once again why he’s a true title con... Показати повністю


English 14.03.2025 - FRONT ROW LOCKOUT FOR RED BULL IN IMOLA! Germain storms to pole position at the legendary Imola circuit, with Campolago right alongside in P2, securing a perfect front-row lockout for today´s race. As the season heats up, Red Bull Racing is rig... Показати повністю


English 13.03.2025 - MIAMI GP – A TOUGH FIGHT, BUT WE STAY OPTIMISTIC! It wasn’t the outcome we hoped for in Miami, but there’s still plenty to be proud of! After a strong front row lockout in qualifying, Germain unfortunately made an early mistake on Lap 2, whic... Показати повністю

Who is the most Improved F1 team?

English 12.03.2025 - Miami Biggest news story was the winner of the race on the last lap. Nor was it red Bull taking 1 and 2 in qualifications. It was about the team Rated dead last at the star6t of the season. The 15th place team Tarufi of Italy got a podium. That make... Показати повністю

First Pole For Garrison

English 12.03.2025 - Last night our team celebrated a crowning achievement. Our flagship driver, Desmond Garrison, has been awarded his first pole in only his second qualifying effort. This is a monumental moment for us as we look forward to the future of our team. We lo... Показати повністю


English 12.03.2025 - FRONT ROW LOCKOUT FOR RED BULL IN MIAMI! Under the sun of Miami, our drivers delivered a phenomenal qualifying performance, locking out the entire front row for today’s race! Germain takes pole position once again with a lightning-fast lap, whi... Показати повністю


English 10.03.2025 - TOUGH DAY IN JEDDAH – BUT WE FIGHT ON! Not every race goes to plan, and today was one of those days. Despite starting from pole, Germain unfortunately had to retire from the race, marking our first DNF of the season. Meanwhile, Campolago brought t... Показати повністю

Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points

English 03.03.2025 - Another year has come and gone, and now it’s time to reward our fans for their support. Here is the list of all voting points donations we received for season 59: - DickDastardly... coins) - JoeyParker... coins) - UrošJelen... coins) - Lumicad ..... coins) - eXCeeD ...... coins) - super2s43 ... 6.733 * - Porsche Racing shareholder We will continue to reward coins for your donations for season 60 too: - all donors of 1500+ voting points will receive 120 coins; - all donors of 1... Показати повністю

The Pegaso fanbase chooses its branding for a new era

English 15.02.2025 - Over the past two weeks, Escudería Pegaso, Spain's Formula One team, has held a vote to choose a new design for the upcoming seasons. In a process limited to its shareholders and fans, a choice was made between two continuist designs, based on the [URL=https://www.you... truck, and a different one that kept the grey but added new colours, such as blue, based on the [URL=https://i.pinim... truck and the Pegaso logo from the 80s. At the same time, all the liveries had the addition of [URL=https... Показати повністю

My Story: Sir_ErikSalama from Porsche shareholder to Mercedes Team Owner

English 10.01.2025 - Season 59 16.02.2025 is the day when i will officially give the keys of the Mercedes F1 team to someone else and that is the day when i will officially leave the Finnish team, but how did i become a team owner of Mercedes? In 2017 i became a shareholder of Porsche which transitioned from the ashes of then British owned team Mercedes which was ran by Braveheart. Braveheart tried to sell the team, but in the end gave shares to Kacinoman who tried to fix the damage Braveheart did, but in the en... Показати повністю

Announcing the Pegaso Driver Development Programme

English 04.01.2025 - https://i.ibb.co/Hxk... everyone. Given the recent growth of the Pegaso Formula 1 team, we have decided to create some kind of 'driver academy'. I (nicorz) will run it with the help of Thisken and Keiyote, two incredibly experienced managers who will bring all their knowledge to the cause. The idea is to monitor all the members of the Programme continuously, both their skills and their performance in the seasonal series, also taking into account variables such as rating, their results in t... Показати повністю

Sir_ErikSalama´s Christmas Land

English 14.12.2024 - This took me and my dad 2 weeks to do. Our every year tadition where we try to make our house into Christmas land [url=https:/... Показати повністю

Craig Gardner finishes 5th on F1 debut

English 13.12.2024 - <div>Despite a relative lack of success in lower categories for a Formula 1 driver, there has been a lot of hype surrounding the arrival of Craig Gardner to the series.&nbsp; They've shown a lot of pace in qualifying throughout the seasons, and it was on display again in Melbourne as Gardner finished Q3 in 6th ahead of former world champion&nbsp;Ca... however was understandably nervous on lap 1, and conceded the place back to the Red Bull driver before settling into 7th place until... Показати повністю

Porsche Racing: Superlicence for free

English 07.12.2024 - I would like to remind everyone, that we are still rewarding our supporters that help us with their activity/voting point donations. By regularly voting and logging in daily our supporters can earn enough points to get enough points to buy themself a superlicence for the entire season. If you don’t know how to vote, you can check the video tutorial we’ve made: - https://www.youtube.... the end of the season: - all donors of 1500+ voting points will receive 120 coins; - all donors of 125... Показати повністю

Erik Rosberg´s 5 Season Domination

English 23.11.2024 - Last 5 seasons have been successful for Erik Rosberg Season 54: Erik Rosberg wins the TCR Europe championship. Season 55: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship. Season 56: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship for the second time. Season 57: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship. Season 58: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship for the second time Four races remain in the World TCR series, and the lead over competitors is 107 points. Erik Rosberg has climbed in... Показати повністю

The Triple Crown

English 02.11.2024 - The Triple Crown is the most important and prestigious achievement in all of motorsport and it consists of winning the <b>Monaco Grand Prix</b>, the <b>Indianapolis 500</b> and the <b>24 Hours of Le Mans</b>. With the arrival of hypercars in the game last season, the achievement can now be won in-game too.<div><b... I decided to search for who could be the first driver to achieve such an important career goal.</div><... closest active driver t... Показати повністю

Leonard Ellison Retires at 21, Shifts Focus to Social Media Stardom After Unsuccessful Racing Career

English 21.10.2024 - <h2 style="font-size: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">... style="font-size: medium;"><font style="vertical... inherit;">&l... style="vertical... inherit;">In a shocking turn of events, Leonard Ellison, a once-promising racing prodigy, has announced his retirement from professional racing at the tender age of 21. After years of struggling to make a name for himself in the cutthroat world of ... Показати повністю
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