"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes" - Blazefp retires
Some of you might have seen this one coming but for most of you might this might come as a bit of a shock.
I've played MRC for a very long time, been here since this was just beta and the official series weren't released yet. At that time reaching...
on 2017-02-19 02:46:26 by blazefp
Лайки: 31
Рейтинг: 54.31)
[F1] Cinderella story of the season
Lamy's debut in WAR ended in a blast with the team getting the second best season result ever and Lamy getting 10th with 81 points, more than any other WAR driver before.
The race just finished and Lamy's still celebrating along with Johnny and the ...
on 2016-09-11 20:15:16 by blazefp
Лайки: 18
Рейтинг: 31.75)
FREC - The Ultimate Championship
Ever wondered what who's the best driver and strategist in the world? You'll get to know who in Formula Racing Endurance Championship!
The idea of this championship is to get the best drivers of MRC together on historical tracks all around the world...
on 2016-02-23 15:50:19 by blazefp
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 10.21)
F1 drivers S17 analysis
Here's a deep analysis of all F1 drivers in this season rated by total number of skills relevant to F1 racing summed up by importance (5x for mental and driving, 3x for technical and 1x for physical). Personal skills are added in brackets. Didn't add...
on 2016-02-17 15:04:51 by blazefp
Лайки: 35
Рейтинг: 56.24)
So where exactly is the problem?
From my understanding of the auction rules anyone can bet right? SSR is based in Poland, all their owners are Polish, it's understandable that they want to keep it that way. Call it tradition or whatever, they didn't outright reject his bet they just...
on 2015-10-27 17:37:15 by blazefp
Лайки: 10
Рейтинг: 17.69)
Can somebody stop him?
José Pedro Lamy is well known for complementing his speed with out of the box race strategies but not even he was expecting to rule all Indy's ovals.
After a not so great season in NASCAR Lamy decided to try out the biggest series after F1 despite h...
on 2015-10-10 17:17:04 by blazefp
Лайки: 8
Рейтинг: 14.34)
JPL in rage after bad week
After finishing 15th at the last race in NASCAR, the Pocono Triangle 400, the driver from the famous manager Blazefp was seen storming out of the car furious with his latest result and headed directly to his private BMW I8 and straight to the exit.
on 2015-07-27 02:34:13 by blazefp
Лайки: 21
Рейтинг: 32.20)
Votação para mudar as pistas da série de F3 Portuguesa
Foi confirmado a pouco que os presidentes das associações nacionais podem propor mudanças para o calendário da sua série regional de F3, isto é no nosso caso para a série portuguesa de F3.
Sei que muitos não gostam de ver pistas espanholas na séri...
on 2015-05-08 17:05:22 by blazefp
Лайки: 1
Рейтинг: 0.18)
Blazefp quits F1 - Interview - Part 2
Part 2
I: Why leave though? Why not discuss this matter and work on some solutions?
Blazefp: Oh this isn't the first time I'm making this problems public, not at all. In fact I and many others have already worked out some solutions that we beli...
on 2015-04-07 20:21:22 by blazefp
Лайки: 24
Рейтинг: 37.40)
Blazefp quits F1 - Interview - Part 1
F1... The ultimate motor sport. It's the dream of every driver to race there, of every engineer to work there and of every manager to rule one of its teams.
It's counter-intuitive to think that anybody would quit the highest job of a successful te...
on 2015-04-07 20:20:50 by blazefp
Лайки: 23
Рейтинг: 36.13)
You read it right: WAR now has a Twiter account up and running, a courtesy of our fan Dobbi. You can follow the latest news about the team at twitter.com/F1Windsor! Race results, new livery, projects, facility upgrades, even non-MRC stuff will be the...
on 2015-03-28 20:19:53 by blazefp
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 10.87)
Portugueses pelo Mundo
Esta temporada foi especialmente positiva para os portugueses. Pela primeira vez Portugal contou com a representação de 7 pilotos no top100, feito inédito na história do MRC.
Desde há muito tempo que temos portugueses em posições elevadas, mas esta...
on 2015-01-05 01:24:28 by blazefp
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 8.98)
[F1] Doações já são possíveis
Como todos sabem, a WAR está constantemente a puxar a equipa ao limite, a tentar ter melhores resultados todas as temporadas. Desta vez não vai ser diferente.
Por agora a WAR ocupa o 5º lugar de rating e conseguiu acabar o primeiro campeonato de c...
on 2014-08-06 13:47:07 by blazefp
Лайки: 4
Рейтинг: 4.10)
[F1] Donations are online
As all of you know, WAR is always trying to push their team to the limit, trying to get better results every season. This time won't be different.
WAR currently holds the 5th place in rating and ended up in 6th place on the constructors champion...
on 2014-08-06 13:32:57 by blazefp
Лайки: 8
Рейтинг: 12.03)
[F1] Tök and Di Rado will go to WAR again in Season 10
The oath has been taken: Ödön Ifj. Tök and Guido Di Rado will continue to drive under the Windsor Alliance's banner next season. We could not be more pleased with our drivers so it was only natural that they were our first choice for season 10. Great...
on 2014-07-30 23:16:31 by blazefp
Лайки: 6
Рейтинг: 9.79)