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Förslag till Förnyelse av Nations Cup Kalender

Офіційний Журнал MyRacingCareer.com

Förslag till Förnyelse av Nations Cup Kalender

Svenska 13.11.2023 16:15:00
Denna information utelämnades i artikeln om säsong 54 ändringar. Låt oss se vad du tycker.
Detta är inte en del av utvecklingen av spelet, utan bara ett förslag som vi lägger till alla nationella motorsportförbund. Mer än fem år har gått sedan den senaste ändringen av Nations Cup-kalendern. Så, för att uppmuntra en greater strategic variety and to make this competition a little more challenging we believe it is appropriate to replace its circuits.

However, as the choice of the circuits representing each country is an exclusive competence of the President of each Association, we would like to know what you think about it. At this stage, we have two ideas on the table:

1. Each Association will choose, by whatever method they consider appropriate (voting, consensus or direct election by the President), two circuits to represent their country in the Cup. The decision will be passed on to DebiK to make the necessary changes on the calendar.
2. Each Association will choose, by the method they deem appropriate (voting, consensus or direct election), a selection of between 4 and 6 circuits, which will be put to a vote for the whole community of the game. In case a tie occurs, the votes of the members belonging to those nations will be given priority over the rest.

Regardless of the preferred approach, this initiative would be implemented from season 55 onwards. Countries wishing to do so could do it starting on season 54, but with only seven days to go until the end of the season, this may be a bit premature. Nonetheless, the option is there. At the same time, we impose two conditions:

a) At least one of the circuits must not have appeared in any A1GP season to date. It must be completely new to the competition. In the case of Imola, Barcelona and Jerez, using their current variants will not count as a 'new circuit'.
b) The selection of the circuits must be realistic. No ovals or unused variants. Ideally, we would prefer circuits that exist in real life, although depending on the case, exceptions can be made.

We look forward to hearing from you in the comments to this article, both with your opinion on the idea and on the selection method, although all NMA presidents will be notified by a private message of the publication of this article. As we said at the beginning, changing circuits is NOT compulsory, for the moment it is just an invitation we are making and we hope you accept it.
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