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Changes for Season 52 and Some Important News

Офіційний Журнал MyRacingCareer.com

Changes for Season 52 and Some Important News

English 08.06.2023 20:00:04
As some of you requested, before they are already implemented, here are all the changes and news we can share with you for season 52 and for the future as well! ;)
Hey everyone!

As we've been doing lately, here's your seasonal My Racing Career article with all that is coming in the near (and immediate) future. We have been working very hard in the first semester of this year, which means we have a lot of things to tell you. Let's start!

As you might know from the season 51 news article, we have been working for the last 6 months on a new design for the user interface of the game. We can tell you that around 60% of the job is already done, which is basically the most important screens and our newest addition, an interesting update to the broadcast pages. We've begun with the qualification screen, which I can briefly show you with a screenshot.

As you can see, this one feels much more modern, with HD graphics and, if you take a look at the bottom, three buttons to adjust the speed at which you want to watch the session, which was a very requested feature for a lot of time. Apart from this, you can now see the intervals from each sector in the top right corner. The basic version will have the F1 graphics or similar, although as time goes by, the idea is to have similar graphics to the real ones for each Season Series. But these are obviously very specific and small details, so they will be polished in the future. This new broadcast system is already a significant step since it will allow us to make changes more often than with the current one.

In any case, having this doesn't mean everything is ready. Before the start of the beta testing phase, the next things need to be developed, in order of complexity (and priority):
- Races broadcast
- Rally broadcast
- 'Series' screens
- 'Racing clubs' pages
- 'Formula 1' public page (F1 team management will be available from the old game version in the beginning)
- Livery shop
- Super license info + payments

Apart from this, some features are not that important, so they will be only available in the old game version at the beginning and will be added to the new GUI later.

In the last article, we told you that the beta testing program would probably begin between seasons 51 and 52. You can tell that it hasn't started yet :) but the idea is to start it at some point in Q3 2023, while the full release of the new version of the game would happen in Q4 2023. It's just a matter of the MRC Team making their final efforts and a matter of you users waiting a little bit more!

There has been a lot of discussion going on about career paths, some of it defending that they should be respected as they were designed, while others prefer to let them exist but not 'obey' them at all. This is why we have decided to introduce subpaths. This means that it will not be possible to participate in Season Series suitable for different career subpaths, but racing in Single Races, Custom Series or Rookie Series will be possible. For example, all CIRCUIT drivers will participate in the Formula 4 Rookie Series.

Apart from this, as lots of managers have been abusing the existent void, career path change will be possible only once per driver's career, and career subpath will be possible only once per 3 seasons. This is the division we've created:

* SUBPATH - ENDURO (future)

Take a look at every entry list from the national F4 series. You will quickly notice that there are very few young drivers in the 'top 5' and even sometimes in the 'top 10', making it very difficult for new drivers to have chances on those series until they have been trained for one or two seasons. This is why, since day 1 of season 52, we've decided to implement a U21 age restriction on every Formula 4 National Series, which will be applied for lineups of season 53. If this works well (and if it is needed), age restrictions would be also applied for F4 regional series.

At the same time, drivers of age above 30 will be disabled to participate in the Rookie Series. If the manager does not find a place for the driver in any series, he will basically not participate in any season series at all.

The old and beloved Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) is back and coming to My Racing Career! With all its peculiarities, this will be a Season Series only available for veteran drivers. Our idea is to make it for over-30-year-old drivers, but the age minimum could be modified before being released. It will be available for all career paths, without restrictions.

Taking advantage of this situation where we implement a currently non-existent series in real life (sadly), we will allow YOU to participate in the elaboration of its calendar. The plan is to take the whole 'battery' of CART tracks ever used from 1979 to 2003 and choose between 14 and 16 from there. We think this is a nice idea to make the community involved, and if it works well, we would extend it to other series, such as National and Regional F4 series.

Right now, when your driver turns 22 or 26 in the middle of the season, U21 and U25 custom series, respectively, are automatically blocked. This modification will apply the same rule used in Nations Cup races (if the driver is 21 on day 1 of the season, he will be able to race on U21 custom series for the whole season).

Until now, track records and trophies from retired drivers couldn't be seen, whether the user was the manager of the retired driver or was simply another user with Superlicense. This was a feature designed for the new UI, although it will be developed for the current design as well.

As you might remember, in the season 50 news article we announced a revision of the rally racing game mode. Due to the advanced stage of the new UI and also new features coming, we've decided to delay the implementation of such changes until this new UI comes out. Everything has already been designed and planned, but developing it will take much more time, the reason why we think this is the best decision.

Last but not least, we have performed a few changes to adapt them to real life in some cases and improve the game experience in others:
- Indy Series point system = all races will score the same now, with no double points in Indy500. This will come into effect before the finalization date of applications to those series.
- Nations Cup will contain four different standings (full classification with all the drivers, and then senior, sub25 and sub21 separate standings with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on).
- In the creation of new private series, you will now be able to reduce, change or keep the selected points system on 'inverted grid' races, just like it is done in Formula 2 or Formula 3 races.


And this is all for today. We hope you like these new features and we are very excited to bring you so many new things much more often than previously. Would you change or add anything? You can give us your opinion and thoughts in the comments section.


Day 72
- F1

Day 73
- Indy
- NASC Gold Cup
- World TCS
- TCS Europe
- Formula E
- Formula 2 World
- Moto 1

Day 74
- Indy Junior
- V8 Supercars
- World GT
- 911 Supercup
- Superb Formula
- Moto 2
- World Rally Series

Day 75
- F3 World
- Moto 3
- Moto E
- NASC Silver Cup
- World Rally Series 2
- Superbike World

Day 76
- F3 Continentals
- F3 Central European
- F4 Regionals
- TCS Regionals
- Moto 3 Junior
- World Rally Series 3
- World Rally Series Junior
- Superbike British & USA
- Rally Continentals

Day 77
- All remaining series not already mentioned

If you have not applied for any of the above for Season 52, then your driver will automatically be entered into the Rookie Series of their chosen path.


In case you want to help the game and have some advantages such as free Super License use as well as coin rewards for a job well done, we have a few vacancies in the MRC Team:
- Translators for Slovenian, Mandarin Chinese, Belarussian, Romanian, Indonesian, Hindi and Greek languages.
- Community helper for the Russian community.
- Two socialmedia managers for Twitter, one for Facebook, one for Instagram and one for Reddit.

For the translator and community helper vacancies, you can contact the MRC Team Leader, beltmann.
For the social network positions, please send a private message to nicorz, leader of Social Media and Promotion.
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Беларуская Català Čeština Dansk English Español Suomi Français Hrvatski Magyar Indonesia Italiano 日本語 Latviešu Nederlands Português, Brasil Polski Português Русский Svenska Српски 中文
Додати коментар!
09.06.2023 13:58:18 - Польща komanch - Відповісти
"Career path of second driver MUST be different than career path of first driver" - will this rule still apply?
09.06.2023 14:00:07 - Португалія  ClaudioMonteiro - Відповісти
Nice to have CART coming for older drivers!

I'd suggest Surfers Paradise as one of the selected tracks for the calendar.

Great stuff!
09.06.2023 14:13:03 - Великобританія Mobeer - Відповісти
These driver path restrictions are making rally and moto even more of an irrelevance for me. Before you could try those series out, now they are meaningless.
09.06.2023 14:21:57 - Угорщина Boczy - Відповісти
"if you take a look at the bottom, three buttons to adjust the speed at which you want to watch the session"

What about PAUSE when I'm watching later, not just in real time?
09.06.2023 14:30:37 - Угорщина Boczy - Відповісти
It will possible to have two drivers with the same carrier path, but different subpath?

09.06.2023 14:39:46 - Угорщина Boczy - Відповісти

What about Rating Points restriction except U21 age restriction?
I mean, if my driver is older than 35-36y and his skills are too low to be competitive in major series.

My plan was to going back to Hungarian F4 when my driver is around 39-40 y old and race in my national league at my carrier's late times, then retire from there.

For example:
Rating Points restriction for national F4 Series will be 3.000 rating points. The best U21 drivers are around this level.
I think that would be fair enough.
09.06.2023 15:34:29 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 13:58:18 - komanch Це повідомлення було відредаговане - 09.06.2023 15:34:29
Yes, of course, that is basically the only reason for career paths...

EDIT: but I meant subpaths must be different, path can be the same
09.06.2023 15:03:15 - Польща komanch - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 14:21:57 - Boczy
Yeah, PAUSE button +1
and the same set will be requested for the broadcast of the race
09.06.2023 15:05:28 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 14:00:07 - ClaudioMonteiro
My personal preference would include Cleveland circuit on the Burke Lakefront Airport...
09.06.2023 15:10:05 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 14:13:03 - Mobeer
We`d work for some reasonable rules how to make moto and rally attractive. Maybe third driver available, or make second river in other subpath free (not only for superlicense holders). And yes if the interest in motorcycles or rally will drop, then ok, we can remove some of the series over there.
09.06.2023 15:14:02 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 14:21:57 - Boczy
Those buttons at the bottom are there temporarily for testing purposes for now... Although it is planned to add those to the broadcast, but in better way... PAUSE button is a sure thing.

The idea of subpaths is to allow manager to have two drivers in circuit racing. So yes. As mentioned above, maybe we will allow non licensed managers to create second driver, but in different path, to fill the series.
09.06.2023 15:22:27 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 14:39:46 - Boczy
Look at it from my perspective - what is worse?
1. unhappy experienced manager with old and weak driver who is not able to place him to national series
2. demotivated young manager whose young driver is regularly beaten by old veterans in national series which is (even in real life)

The idea of CART series for veterans is to find place for old fading drivers... The age limit will be adjusted in the future to serve this goal.
09.06.2023 15:23:08 - Угорщина Boczy - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 15:14:02 - DebiK
But you answererd to komanch differenty:

- "Career path of second driver MUST be different than career path of first driver" - will this rule still apply?

- Yes of course, that is basically the only reason for career paths...

Or I'm not understand clearly.

That would be nice, if I have a driver in Formula E and the 2nd driver in V8 Supercars at the same time, for example.
09.06.2023 15:23:55 - Австрія PaleRider - Відповісти
Great additions, thanks MRC-team!
09.06.2023 15:33:33 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 15:23:08 - Boczy
I messed up.... Career subpath must be different.
09.06.2023 15:38:33 - Угорщина Boczy - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 15:33:33 - DebiK
So the Career path can be the same, but subpath must be different.

That's nice, thank you.
09.06.2023 16:47:54 - radekdeboktor - Відповісти
Congratulations to cheaters. The same user who wrote in forum asking for path limitations exploited a bug to break that limitations. But they are VIP, so they are called smart instead of cheaters
09.06.2023 17:05:49 - Угорщина Nonó - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 16:47:54 - radekdeboktor
They show us the bugs and loopholes in the game, so these cheaters can called developers too, hahaha!
09.06.2023 17:12:04 - Фінляндія  Sir_ErikSalama - Відповісти
Love these new improvements you guys have made. Time to fast forward the live qualifying broadcasts
09.06.2023 17:53:56 - Польща beltmann - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 15:05:28 - DebiK
I will vote for this circuit on condition that you do setup and race strategy for the round on it
09.06.2023 17:58:20 - Росія montoya79 - Відповісти
In the CART series, there must be Motegi and Surfers Paradise tracks.
09.06.2023 18:08:45 - Росія montoya79 - Відповісти
Everyone can participate in Formula 1, regardless of career paths and subpaths?
09.06.2023 18:13:49 - Польща beltmann - Відповісти
My private list:
Must have - Motegi, Donington
Nice to have - Montreal, Long Beach

09.06.2023 19:03:39 - Канада Keiyote - Відповісти
That's all fair, and a good compromise in my opinion, I'm not as interested in Rally or Moto at all right now really. It's not MRC's fault in design, but we don't have much to watch of either in my neck of the woods, dirt racing on an oval is probably bigger on this side of the world lol, but I'm happy enough to have an open wheel driver and a stock car driver.

I really like the age restrictions on rookie series and lower level F4 too. If an older driver doesn't have the skills to drive in any other series the manager should be retiring them and starting with a new rookie anyway. Cart racing would provide another option for them though if their having trouble letting go
09.06.2023 19:31:19 - Словенія torbar4life - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 15:22:27 - DebiK
In my opinion, CART should be for drivers that are 35+.

Here is my perfect calendar:
1. Surfers Paradise
2. Phoenix
3. Long Beach
4. Indianapolis 500
5. Milwaukee
6. Portland
7. Cleveland
8. Toronto
9. Michigan
10. Mid-Ohio
11. Vancouver
12. Road America
13. Laguna Seca
14. Pocono
15. Nazareth
16. Detroit/Belle Isle
09.06.2023 19:37:57 - Іспанія nicorz - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 19:31:19 - torbar4life
The initial idea I had for this was +36, but there have been opinions of +30 (current one), +34, +38, etc. It's very likely that we increase the minimum.

And the calendar will be decided in the forum next season just like it's done in iRacing for their series.
09.06.2023 19:55:00 - Португалія  Alexthebest - Відповісти
Nice about the Career and subpath!
And well done for all the other improvements!
09.06.2023 20:02:15 - Канада EugeneBellamy - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 19:31:19 - torbar4life
I second that calendar.
09.06.2023 20:22:08 - Канада EugeneBellamy - Відповісти
With the subpath commitment, will there be any editing of series ratings to create parity between the subpaths? At current, each subpath varies. For example, the maximum rating in open wheel (excluding F1) is 2.4, stock car is 2.2, moto is 2.4, and rally is 2.0
10.06.2023 10:18:30 - Словенія torbar4life - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 19:37:57 - nicorz
For me, 34+, 35+ and 36+ are all acceptable.

If you put the limit at 30+ than you dilute other 2.x series. Even now, MRC's biggest problem is that most series are not competitive, and adding another 2.x series will just make it worse. At 30 drivers also haven't even reached their prime, so it's hard to call them veterans. At that age, very few are even competitive in F1.
10.06.2023 10:23:09 - Словенія torbar4life - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 15:33:33 - DebiK
If you have one driver in OPEN WHEEL subpath and the other in TOURING CARS. Wil lit be possible to switch them around?

Because the way thing work now, you need to switch one driver's path twice to achieve this.
10.06.2023 17:39:48 - США chzbrgr - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 14:39:46 - Boczy
I had the same idea. My driver is 20 at the moment, so he's got a whole life ahead of him. However, I had this dream that he would age gracefully and have a nice retirement tour in Formula 4 before he calls it quits. With this new rule, there's little to no reason to have any kind of sentimental time once a driver passes his peak.

There is a driver in the French F4 series, Alexander Bugatti, who is 52. I had a lot of fun competing against Bugatti as a teenage driver, and it was fair on speed.

I appreciate the idea of keeping 25-year-olds out of F4, where they can lap the entire field, but there should be some way to allow aged drivers who are past their prime to drop back down and run with the young guns for another season or two.
10.06.2023 22:31:03 - Канада EugeneBellamy - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 10.06.2023 10:18:30 - torbar4life
I’m not sure that we would see a dilution of the 2.x series. Consider that circuit racing is the most popular path and there are many that will make that choice given that moto and rally are currently more competitive at the top end than most circuit series's.

Further consider that not every 30+ driver will make the choice to move to CART.

I think your point is that if you make this series unattractive with the rating, you will keep the early 30 drivers in the other series, but why not open the choices, and creating ratings parity certainly would achieve this, as well as adding another dimension of strategical choice to the game.

10.06.2023 22:51:17 - Канада EugeneBellamy - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 10.06.2023 17:39:48 - chzbrgr
Why not simply restart your driver and participate in the revamped albeit watered down U25 F4’s? If that’s where you ol’ boy was competitive with the teens, what do you have to lose? There are currently so many F4 series that it should not be hard to find one where a rookie lands on a podium. In my mind, it really brings up a question of whether some of these series should be pruned but if we want to see user growth in the game, enabling success at the early levels is important

11.06.2023 11:33:16 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 16:47:54 - radekdeboktor
If you mean those who set up their driver paths to be accepted to a series at the beginning, then change it to a different path and change the path of their second driver to be accepted to the same career path so they can be accepted to another series of the same career path... Then yes, you are close to the truth.
Although this is a relatively meaningless "cheat", it does not cause disadvantages to other managers, so I would rather call it a loophole in a system that is against the original idea.

Although the current status is not satisfying to me, it is obvious that our current managers tend more to play in the circuit career path, so we are going to adjust to this demand and completely remove options to use this cheat/loophole.
11.06.2023 11:41:05 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 19:31:19 - torbar4life
Your calendar looks great. However, I tend to be in favor of going more international.
There is Australian Surfers Paradise.
Another famous international CART race was the japan Motegi race.
And one more is the German Lausitzring race.
11.06.2023 11:50:14 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 09.06.2023 20:22:08 - EugeneBellamy
Tough question. We would look at the popularity of the series worldwide, and see. I think pushing for example rally to the same level as F1 makes nos sense. These drivers are not as popular and respected worldwide, in the real world, so I think the difference is ok. The question is, should we put NASCAR on the same level as F1? Should we put TCR or GT on the same level? I do not think so. So we will consider all pros and cons and see whether it makes any sense to do any adjustments... There will be also a discussion about where to place Brasil Stock Cars, Australian Supercars, or Argentinian series.
11.06.2023 11:53:15 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 10.06.2023 10:18:30 - torbar4life
Speaking of series competitivity. We are planning to improve strategies of bot drivers from default to more advanced. For example they would start on more suitable tyres based on weather or in case of rally based on surface. So it should be a bit more challenging. They should not beat good drivers with good strategy, but at least it should not be so easy to beat them.
11.06.2023 11:54:55 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 10.06.2023 10:23:09 - torbar4life
This is the key information.
"career path change will be possible only once per driver's career, and career subpath will be possible only once per 3 seasons"

So change will be possible, but not to create loophole...
11.06.2023 11:59:52 - Словенія torbar4life - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 11:50:14 - DebiK
Supercars are considered to be a touring car racing series.

11.06.2023 12:03:57 - Словенія torbar4life - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 11:54:55 - DebiK
This is why I asked. Maybe there could be some other kind of mechanism, like swapping drivers subpaths with one click.
11.06.2023 15:25:01 - Канада Keiyote - Відповісти
I think he's saying no u won't be able to switch them in one click cause it's too close to the loophole he just closed. I'm ok with moving around the 3 circuit series with my drivers. I will admit MRC got me more in to touring cars which I had no interest in before, so who knows maybe one day I can say the same about Rally or Moto, but not till I've been everywhere and done everything in circuit racing.

I agree V8 Australian Supercars should be touring, and I think the Brazil and Argentinian series are stock cars. Maybe the Argentinian ones a bit more up for debate.

Maybe I missed this part but what about F1? Do u have to be an open Wheel driver? Or any type of Circuit driver?

My main driver is getting to that age and ability so I wouldn't mind a heads up before choosing this coming seasons series.
11.06.2023 16:46:31 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 15:25:01 - Keiyote
There is an attempt by us to minimize "non-natural" restrictions. Honestly, the career path is one.

In the case of F1, we do not need any standardized rules on how to accept and handle participants. F1 team managers decide what is best for the team.

Obviously, a driver from Motorcycles or Rally who have a lot of training in F1 with meaningless attributes like balance, or drifting, is not the best choice, because these would have been better for F1 if trained in those attributes important for F1 instead.

SO for now, I do not see real need for such restriction.
11.06.2023 16:47:39 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 12:03:57 - torbar4life
I do not think this needs any kind of more user-friendly system as it should be used rarely.
11.06.2023 19:34:19 - Словенія torbar4life - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 16:46:31 - DebiK
I think we do. Otherwise, managers with F1 drivers have a huge advantage when developing their 2nd driver, as they are not limited when choosing a sub-path. This is actually why managers started to complain in the first place.
11.06.2023 19:54:21 - Словенія Clunker - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 16:47:39 - DebiK
When will we be able to select a subpath?
11.06.2023 21:35:31 - Словаччина DebiK - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 19:34:19 - torbar4life
What exactly do you mean, when talking about the disadvantage?
So your guy became an F1 driver. Is it a problem that at that time you will be able to switch his career path to something else and create a new driver in the open-wheel subpath? But that F1 driver cannot return back to the open-wheel subpath. Is it a problem?
11.06.2023 21:40:31 - Канада Keiyote - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 21:35:31 - DebiK
lol I said the same thing quietly to Nico, I didn't want to upset anybody by saying it out loud. Technically u could have 2 open wheel drivers that way if u have an F1 driver, at least till he leaves F1, but I'm trying to figure out if there is any actual advantage there.

I can't see one yet other than having 2 in the same sub path breaking the so called "spirit of the rule" again, but probably good to talk about it now in case it does bother ppl and that one needs to be shut down too.
11.06.2023 21:46:33 - Словенія torbar4life - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 21:40:31 - Keiyote
There is advantage to be had. And it's not only the ability to have two-wheel drivers. This is why I pointed this out. But I am not going to say exactly what it is here on the open forum.
11.06.2023 21:59:06 - Канада Keiyote - Відповісти
Відповідь на: 11.06.2023 21:46:33 - torbar4life
lol uh ohhh, of course u spotted it already, better tell Debik quietly at least then and see.
29.08.2023 01:38:49 - США TerryWilson - Відповісти
One thing of note is that you cannot really change career patrhs if they are swapping. that takes 2 paths changes for 1 driver and 1 for the second driver. this is due to no driver being able to occupy the same path at the same time. This may seemed minor before this change. But now with only 1 career path path per driver driver. you have to retire a driver if you do not desire to race in that other path.

If your only desire is to make drivers to race at the highest levels of one career path Like F1. The second drivers now can only be moved into That career path after spendind X amount time in outside career path where they will be at considerable disadvantage earger quickly in thier career
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Older articles

Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points

English 03.03.2025 - Another year has come and gone, and now it’s time to reward our fans for their support. Here is the list of all voting points donations we received for season 59: - DickDastardly... coins) - JoeyParker... coins) - UrošJelen... coins) - Lumicad ..... coins) - eXCeeD ...... coins) - super2s43 ... 6.733 * - Porsche Racing shareholder We will continue to reward coins for your donations for season 60 too: - all donors of 1500+ voting points will receive 120 coins; - all donors of 1... Показати повністю

The Pegaso fanbase chooses its branding for a new era

English 15.02.2025 - Over the past two weeks, Escudería Pegaso, Spain's Formula One team, has held a vote to choose a new design for the upcoming seasons. In a process limited to its shareholders and fans, a choice was made between two continuist designs, based on the [URL=https://www.you... truck, and a different one that kept the grey but added new colours, such as blue, based on the [URL=https://i.pinim... truck and the Pegaso logo from the 80s. At the same time, all the liveries had the addition of [URL=https... Показати повністю

My Story: Sir_ErikSalama from Porsche shareholder to Mercedes Team Owner

English 10.01.2025 - Season 59 16.02.2025 is the day when i will officially give the keys of the Mercedes F1 team to someone else and that is the day when i will officially leave the Finnish team, but how did i become a team owner of Mercedes? In 2017 i became a shareholder of Porsche which transitioned from the ashes of then British owned team Mercedes which was ran by Braveheart. Braveheart tried to sell the team, but in the end gave shares to Kacinoman who tried to fix the damage Braveheart did, but in the en... Показати повністю

Announcing the Pegaso Driver Development Programme

English 04.01.2025 - https://i.ibb.co/Hxk... everyone. Given the recent growth of the Pegaso Formula 1 team, we have decided to create some kind of 'driver academy'. I (nicorz) will run it with the help of Thisken and Keiyote, two incredibly experienced managers who will bring all their knowledge to the cause. The idea is to monitor all the members of the Programme continuously, both their skills and their performance in the seasonal series, also taking into account variables such as rating, their results in t... Показати повністю

Sir_ErikSalama´s Christmas Land

English 14.12.2024 - This took me and my dad 2 weeks to do. Our every year tadition where we try to make our house into Christmas land [url=https:/... Показати повністю

Craig Gardner finishes 5th on F1 debut

English 13.12.2024 - <div>Despite a relative lack of success in lower categories for a Formula 1 driver, there has been a lot of hype surrounding the arrival of Craig Gardner to the series.&nbsp; They've shown a lot of pace in qualifying throughout the seasons, and it was on display again in Melbourne as Gardner finished Q3 in 6th ahead of former world champion&nbsp;Ca... however was understandably nervous on lap 1, and conceded the place back to the Red Bull driver before settling into 7th place until... Показати повністю

Porsche Racing: Superlicence for free

English 07.12.2024 - I would like to remind everyone, that we are still rewarding our supporters that help us with their activity/voting point donations. By regularly voting and logging in daily our supporters can earn enough points to get enough points to buy themself a superlicence for the entire season. If you don’t know how to vote, you can check the video tutorial we’ve made: - https://www.youtube.... the end of the season: - all donors of 1500+ voting points will receive 120 coins; - all donors of 125... Показати повністю

Erik Rosberg´s 5 Season Domination

English 23.11.2024 - Last 5 seasons have been successful for Erik Rosberg Season 54: Erik Rosberg wins the TCR Europe championship. Season 55: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship. Season 56: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship for the second time. Season 57: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship. Season 58: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship for the second time Four races remain in the World TCR series, and the lead over competitors is 107 points. Erik Rosberg has climbed in... Показати повністю

The Triple Crown

English 02.11.2024 - The Triple Crown is the most important and prestigious achievement in all of motorsport and it consists of winning the <b>Monaco Grand Prix</b>, the <b>Indianapolis 500</b> and the <b>24 Hours of Le Mans</b>. With the arrival of hypercars in the game last season, the achievement can now be won in-game too.<div><b... I decided to search for who could be the first driver to achieve such an important career goal.</div><... closest active driver t... Показати повністю

Leonard Ellison Retires at 21, Shifts Focus to Social Media Stardom After Unsuccessful Racing Career

English 21.10.2024 - <h2 style="font-size: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">... style="font-size: medium;"><font style="vertical... inherit;">&l... style="vertical... inherit;">In a shocking turn of events, Leonard Ellison, a once-promising racing prodigy, has announced his retirement from professional racing at the tender age of 21. After years of struggling to make a name for himself in the cutthroat world of ... Показати повністю
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