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Formula 3 Danish Series - Who is going to grab the titel this season
The smell of burning rubber and a taste of oil is in the air, and the tech crews and sportsdirectors are making the last few changes on there F3 cars to this seasons Formula 3 Danish series, and with a strong line of drivers from across the world, i...
2016-04-18 18:11:30 przez TommiMadsen
Lubią: 5
Ocena: 8.70)
Lotus SW Racing ser dagens lys.
Med køreren Tommi Madsen ved roret samt en stab af dygtige medarbejdere er projekt LOTUS SUPER WORLD RACING endelig blevet en realitet. Der vil være mange øjne der vil kigge over skuldrene når Tommi Madsen tester den første version af LOTUS raceren. ...
2016-03-26 13:51:08 przez TommiMadsen
Lubią: 0
Ocena: 0.00)
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