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It is time...

It's time for legendary Artis Atrumins to retire! Of course a legend he was just for me, because he was my first driver in this game, and for the F1 team Porsche, in which he fight 5 fantastic seasons in F1 level, where have brought both pleasure and frustration . During this time, it has been possible to reach the highest point (if you do not count the champion title, which is possible only with TOP3 teams) - to reach the victory in the F1 race! That, however, was just once in the career of Atrumins, but there are not so many drivers, who reach the same point!
Also BIG thank you very much for the WAR team, because with them the Atrumins grew up till F1!
However once everything arrives end. Let's wish a pleasant rest for Atrumins because he deserves it! :)

2018-03-06 21:34:09 przez ArtisMAKANS
Lubią: 15 | Ocena: 26.63

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