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Informacje prasowe - However, this has happened!

However, this has happened!

Today Ātrumiņš won his first win in the F1 race!
This season, Porsche has built an excellent car that is more suitable for slow tracks and excellent handling. We could already confirm that in the season's first race in Australia, where both Porsche riders got 3 and 4 starting positions in the qualification. And already in the race, Ātrumiņš was able to reach second place and his first podium from his third starting point! In next track has two mistakes in the qualification and 12th place in the race from 18th starting place.
Next: rainy Shanghai qualification, where achieved the high 2nd starting position! As the track is more suited to formulas with higher maximum speeds, I do not expect high results.The team strategist (torbar4life) advised to try a 3-box stop strategy that initially seemed too risky, but since I only hoped to stay at the points, I accepted this strategy. The result was fantastic! Ātrumiņš reach his first win in the F1 career!

2017-10-19 21:24:05 przez ArtisMAKANS
Lubią: 24 | Ocena: 43.46

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