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Informacje prasowe - Challenging season in Africa behind

Challenging season in Africa behind

Frank Gymer has finished his second professional season. During the season Gymer managed to take some balanced places, but he didn't have real chances fight for top positions. Strange thing in Gymer's performance was that he took points from every Friday's short race, but in Sunday's long races he didn't take points more than three times, he also retired four consecutive Sunday races. Gymer's final result in the standings was 12th with 61 points.

Gymer's results by races:
1: 8th
2: 6th
3: 10th
4: 11th
5: 10th
6: 27th (DNF)
7: 7th
8: 27th (DNF)
9: 7th
10: 26th (DNF)
11: 9th
12: 26th (DNF)
13: 10th
14: 11th
15: 6th
16: 11th
17: 7th
18: 6th
19: 7th
20: 8th

Gymer's interview below:

R = Repoter
FG = Gymer

R: Are you pleased with your just finished season?
FG: Yeah, pretty much, but unbalanced results in long races didn't make me perfectly happy, taking stronger points from those races could make my final result probably 10th and I could get more money.
R: But I guess "missing" money will not ruin your career, am I right?
FG: Haha, yeah, you're right, during my first season I didn't have much money, but luckily my budget grew bigger for this season and it's still growing.
R: You also made your A1 debut, what did it feel like?
FG: Very nice, first two races weren't so good, but after them I have taken good results, best was 7th, it's excellent, because there are however older guys driving with me.
R: Do you have any objectives for season 25?
FG: In the series my objective is fighting for better places, I have more experience than one season ago, so my objective isn't impossible. And I try to take TOP5 place in A1 race, it's an aspiring aim, but I trust that I can do it.
R: Okay, thanks for interview.
FG: Thanks.

2017-10-09 14:01:04 przez Markkamake
Lubią: 1 | Ocena: 1.74

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