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Informacje prasowe - Is this the end of Croatian Motorsport?

Is this the end of Croatian Motorsport?

Currently Croatia has only 5 active drivers and future doesn't look good for us at the moment. Croatian Motorsport Association was founded in Season 14 and since National Cup #2 we were active competitors. And even though Croatia never achieved anything better than 26th place in National Cup there were times when our future looked much brighter than now. In seasons 16-19 there were 10+ active drivers and some of them looked very promising.

What is the real reason behind so many resignations from the game I can only imagine but most likely players got tired of the game or they were not as good they expected they would be so they quit. There is also a lot of players who decided to stop playing after one or two days because this game was not what they expected.

Unfortunately there is not much that president of Motorsport Association can do since you can't make other players love the game. All you can do is to accept the current situation and hope for better days and I really hope they will come rather sooner than later.

2017-08-28 16:23:21 przez AgramGP
Lubią: 7 | Ocena: 13.20

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