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Informacje prasowe - Team Lotus always improving

Team Lotus always improving

Brazil entered F1 with a team in season 39, we took the team with the worst F1 record of all time in MrC.

And so the story of Lotus began. Since then there have been many challenges and the team has shown growth, at first it took a few seasons to learn how this F1 business worked. Afterwards, little by little the team evolved and grew.

Season 47, came 7th.
Season 44 and 48, it came in 8th.
Seasons 45 and 46, I came in 9th.

A few more seasons of preparation...

Season 52, came 6th.
Season 54 and 56, came 7th.

And this season the team came in 5th place. Which is a constant evolution for the team.

Other than that, this season came the team's FIRST two victories. With the right to a double in the final race of the season.

Congratulations to everyone involved and thank you to everyone who helped improve the team in support with coins or even with fans on the team.

A big hug to everyone and in a few more seasons we intend to compete for a title... See you!

2024-09-15 20:00:27 przez pmarcio
Lubią: 12 | Ocena: 20.90

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