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Redactar Comunicado de Prensa - Reacción

Aston Martin Fan Championship - Season 2

The 2nd edition of the “Aston Martin Fan Championship” has just ended. Felipe Campolargo won his second title! However the competition was again very tight until the last race with Mauricio Cruz as the title was decided by only 10 points! As mentioned, Felipe Campolargo won the championship (5 wins and 10 podiums), Mauricio Cruz came in 2nd (2 wins and 10 podiums) and Eddie Bellamy placed 3rd (2 wins and 7 podiums). In 4th place was Jamie Thom (2 podiums), Nádia Portocarrero ended up in 5...

2023-06-08 06:26:55 por Alexthebest

Mejores Comunicados de Prensa

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