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New tyre rules

In general I agree with you and also with Wokinger - tyres for practice shouldn't be limited.

But if we are talking about 13 sets for weekend, great addition would be to choose how much sets of each compound driver would have - as in real F1. 1 set of each compound would be a must, so 10 sets could be determined by drivers and/or team managers.

And I would agree to remove warm-up from F1.

And one step further would be more compounds! 5 compound, from which 3 would be used for each weekend, named Soft, Medium and Hard. These 3 compounds would be determined randomly. As in real F1 again. :)

2019-05-21 09:08:33 por Darac
Me gusta: 1 | Puntuación: 1.94
Esta es una reacción al siguiente comunicado de prensa:

Formula 1: Proposal for New Tyre Rules

2019-05-20 17:55:27 por torbar4life - Me gusta: 8 | Puntuación: 13.311

Again, I would like to put forward my proposal for Formula 1 tyre rule changes. As I said before, for me one of the biggest drawbacks in MRC Formula 1 is it’s qualifying format and I know many of you are frustrated by it. At the moment you are on...

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