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No, please, no...

Well, another grandfather has left the game, we will miss you!
But that happens to any of us someday...
Good luck in RL!

2017-02-19 19:01:52 por Somebodystopme
Me gusta: 8 | Puntuación: 14.54
Esta es una reacción al siguiente comunicado de prensa:

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes" - Blazefp retires

2017-02-19 02:46:26 por blazefp - Me gusta: 31 | Puntuación: 54.310

Some of you might have seen this one coming but for most of you might this might come as a bit of a shock. I've played MRC for a very long time, been here since this was just beta and the official series weren't released yet. At that time reaching...

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