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Algunos cambios + fechas límite de series de temporada

Revista Oficial

Algunos cambios + fechas límite de series de temporada

Español 18.02.2025 12:03:31
Una rápida actualización sobre el desarrollo del juego y un recordatorio para que no olvides inscribir a tu piloto en tu serie preferida.
Hola a todos. Sabemos que ha pasado algún tiempo desde la última vez que anunciamos cambios importantes en el juego pero, como podréis suponer, estos pueden tardar algún tiempo en desarrollarse. Por si os lo perdisteis, estamos preparando un nuevo sistema de patrocinadores para pilotos (que después se extenderá al ámbito de los equipos de F1). En este artículo no daremos más información al respecto, ya que preferimos mostraros el producto final cuando esté listo.

Aparte de esto, nos complace anunciar que estamos desarrollando una aplicación de móviles para el juego. El beta testing para usuarios actuales de MRC comenzará durante la temporada 60 y esperamos hacer un lanzamiento oficial en todo el mundo en Google Play Store en la temporada 61. Estad atentos a las próximas actualizaciones.


Tras mucho tiempo en preparación, 10 nuevos modelos de F1 basados en los coches reales de 2023-2024 están listos para la 60ª temporada. Aunque algunos equipos ya han hecho sus cambios, para que la parrilla sea homogénea, todos los equipos se verán obligados a adaptar sus diseños a estos nuevos modelos. Tal vez esta sea también una oportunidad para que actualicen sus colores :)


- Los calendarios de NASC Gold y NASC Silver han sido modificados. COTA será sustituido por COTA National y Charlotte Roval 2018 será sustituido por Charlotte Roval. Este último también se modificará en NASC Truck.
- Jeddah FE ha sustituido a Diriyah y Misano FE ha sustituido a Roma FE en el calendario de la Formula E World Series.


Día 72
- F1

Día 73
- Indy
- NASC Gold Cup
- World Prototype Series
- World TCS
- Formula E
- Formula 2 World
- Moto 1

Día 74
- Indy Junior
- V8 Supercars
- World GT
- 911 Supercup
- Superbformula
- TCS Europe
- NASC Silver Cup
- Moto 2
- World Rally Series

Día 75
- F3 World
- Moto 3
- Moto E
- NASC Truck Cup
- World Rally Series 2
- Superbike World

Día 76
- USF Pro
- F3 Continentals
- F3 Regionals
- F4 Regionals
- TCS Regionals
- Superbike British & USA
- World Rally Series 3
- World Rally Series Junior
- Rally Continentals

Día 77
- El resto de series no mencionadas anteriormente

Si no te has registrado a ninguna de las series de temporada de la lista anterior para la temporada 60, tu piloto será automáticamente inscrito en la Rookie Series de su trayectoria profesional.
El artículo también está disponible en estos idiomas:
Català Čeština English Español Français Magyar Indonesia Italiano Latviešu Nederlands Português, Brasil Polski Português Slovenčina 中文
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16.12.2013 17:48:12 - harim - Responder
Super, chlapci, len tak ďalej - toto nemá chybu.
Toto je skutočne konečne prvá hra, ktorá má grády a chytila ma od začiatku ...
04.04.2013 20:15:25 - Formulak - Responder
Len tak ďalej, teším sa hlavne na živý prenos
09.04.2013 20:40:15 - ferro - Responder
Millal need ära tõlgitakse?
24.05.2013 22:32:51 - LarryLiter - Responder
wünsche ebenfalls einen schönen Tag an Alle !
22.11.2013 20:21:06 - vili73 - Responder
Banda lenivá. :-) Už naozaj neviem čo by vás primälo aspoň raz za čas na to naše fórum kliknúť. Očakával som že mince budú dostatočný dôvod. Už ma nenapadá nič, len nejaké péčko, ale to sa tam moc nehodí. :-) A neriešilo by to záujem krajšej časti našich vodičiek. :-)
25.01.2014 17:04:03 - yxainuskord - Responder
mul naine tõlk
24.04.2014 22:35:29 - vili73 - Responder
len pre info, ide to viac menej cez translator. Veci ktoré pokladám za dolezité preloží Cako88 hned ako bude moct.
02.08.2014 17:10:39 - juan1 - Responder
Espero lo mejor de ese comisionado. Hasta ahora, la página está muy buena y confío en que pueda mejorar. Disfruto mucho del juego.
15.11.2014 16:01:35 - IB2SWEET - Responder

R click anywhere on the page and select "translate". You will see language options there as well.

This is for Google I don't know if it works on Firefox etc.
05.02.2015 16:01:06 - pater - Responder
Tarde pero seguro, lo mejor para el 2.015
02.12.2019 14:08:50 - AldiDingaBeratasi - Responder
¡Este mensaje fue borrado por un moderador!
15.06.2015 16:31:41 - vman81699 - Responder
Thank you for putting together such a great issue!
20.06.2015 00:02:44 - JoaoVictorCarvalho - Responder
27.09.2017 12:56:12 - AldiDingaBeratasi - Responder
¡Este mensaje fue borrado por un moderador!
17.08.2015 19:38:39 - Rafarato - Responder
He is a real driver,right?
21.11.2015 23:33:50 - LouisGagliano - Responder
While it is never fun to suffer a stroke (in real life) to have it happen at the beginning of the season is doubly troublesome. Have all of my feelings back in my legs, right arm still a bit numb but I am hopeful to race well again.
21.11.2015 23:33:50 - LouisGagliano - Responder
While it is never fun to suffer a stroke (in real life) to have it happen at the beginning of the season is doubly troublesome. Have all of my feelings back in my legs, right arm still a bit numb but I am hopeful to race well again.
27.02.2016 23:02:57 - Estados Unidos TerryWilson - Responder
I wish you the best... even a minor stroke can leave your body and mind different then before.. I know I expierenced this myself.. I will put you in my prayers.. I am sure you will be able to race here with same vigor as before.. Good luck and may God Bless you and yours.
18.03.2016 08:36:56 - PouretteF1 - Responder
I don't understand why comments have been deactivated ?
18.03.2016 08:43:26 - PouretteF1 - Responder
So, I repeat what I said yesterday :

Tyres and qualifications are good new ideas.

Regarding spare parts, the system is like a lottery and I think factor chance is already at his maximum.

In real F1, you can't not see a man of Ferrari in the box of Mercedes. I think it is not normal that we can see evolutions of other teams. We can cancel this possibilty on the board quickly.
11.06.2016 14:38:24 - Braveheart - Responder
Ennesima nuova regola ad personam
24.10.2016 17:37:41 - Tysendragon66 - Responder
Respuesta a: 27.07.2015 16:59:42 - AldiDingaBeratasi
You have to work for it you know
19.11.2016 17:46:45 - República Checa Ludwei - Responder
No zajímavá očekávaná funkce.
02.06.2017 07:41:56 - Miggy2004 - Responder
yes finally this is the best game of the year
05.03.2018 12:41:12 - Portugal CarlosAndreMarques - Responder
If you need my help just say I will gladly help where is necessary.
05.06.2018 03:11:21 - WilieEthelbertCoyote - Responder

Greetings Debik,

This is actually my first post in any of the MRC magazine.
So I hope this will come out right. Do not hesitate to mail me if there is something I misunderstood!

I have a motorcycle and some cars in my garage but at the moment I have stopped racing them, the reason is, I believe the rating of my driver in general is influenced by all three types of racing (formula/circuit, Motorcycle, and private car).

Is that correct? If yes then I do not understand why and do not want to risk my driver's rating who is mainly a circuit racer because he 'casually' race motorcycles on occasions.
A manager should be allowed to have different drivers for different type of racing or one driver should have different ratings for motorcycle, private car and circuit racing.
Personally I would favour the first solution so a manager could train his drivers differently and learn from how different type of training affects the drivers.
At the moment for a manager it is just guessing and if you realise you could have trained your driver in a better way you have to retire your driver and start all over again.
I think multiple drivers or at least one different driver for each category per manager would be much more exciting and attractive for the players.
Alain i.e. Wile E Coyote
05.06.2018 18:44:38 - spencerhill - Responder
Szerintem maximum 80%. De akár egy 75-öt is el tudnék képzelni neki.
27.01.2020 15:11:51 - Estados Unidos TerryWilson - Responder
Only thing changing the learning rate has done is made some managers less willing to start new drivers. To think all my warnings this was a Bad change fell on deaf ears. Makes me wonder who really thought this was a good idea to begin with. I am not alone in this.. The majority of players will not make the sacrifice in early enjoyment of their driver to have even a chance before the change to make a maximum skill driver.. This change will not change that fact. The best managers will still be the same because the best managers will. With the change they will only beat those who do not by wider margins.

Having said that you would think I am supportive of change that gives my drivers a Bigger advantage no.. Because it leads to another change that will make it worse and Kill this game forever!
05.07.2020 18:15:49 - guilibo2014 - Responder
I painted the Toyota Aygo, the helmet and the racing suit with Sydney 2000 theme.
12.11.2020 13:31:49 - JudeElsworth - Responder
Omg got my first ever top 5 finish today so stoked
21.11.2020 22:32:17 - kman901 - Responder
I made a special MRC gold Livery for the rare car.
01.12.2020 01:27:33 - Estados Unidos TerryWilson - Responder
is season 40 going to have EVERYBODY pay the full season entry fee. So far no season yet that has been the case. It only take one look at the ratings of season series accepted to know that has not happened yet.

03.10.2021 04:51:14 - Estados Unidos TerryWilson - Responder
I am very happy to finally see racing clubs.. this fills the desires of having more car builder series..

The second driver I wish would have came along a couple season ago.. Maybe at least now the remianing veterans will stay around. The idea of different career paths is also welcome in my view as well.

Hearing some many positives from me some may think someone new has become me on my account. Like a said many times a compliments means nothing if all you ever give is them. So well Done MRC!
27.12.2021 19:14:12 - kman7 - Responder
Thank you for the changes
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