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English Formula 1: Ferrari hits the one-two in Hungary Great day for Scuderia Ferrari at the Hungaroring: Woeger takes the win starting for the pole position while Novikov reach the second place starting from the fourth position. With Leroy on Alpine at the third place in front of the two rising Red Bull...
den 2024-11-01 22:54:52 af maxodent - Likes: 9 | Rancering: 14.99)
English Ferrari celebrates Robert "the Usurper" Kubica as a legend All beautiful stories come to an end. With season 50 ends one on the most productive legacy of MRC Formula 1 history: the "duo" Ferrari-Kubica. Robert Kubica presented himself to the World in season 43 with a Formula 1 Drivers World Camp...
den 2023-03-27 20:59:57 af maxodent - Likes: 11 | Rancering: 19.46)
English Ferrari says "Thanks" to Vasco Guerra Season 49 will be the last one with Vasco Guerra in Ferrari and the team wants to celebrate the career of his super-fast driver. Vasco Gerra numbers in Formula 1 (till now) are tremendous: 1 Drivers World Championship 31 Pole positions (8th ...
den 2023-01-11 00:19:28 af maxodent - Likes: 16 | Rancering: 28.00)
English Thanks Miller I just want to say thanks to a great manager, to a great rival, to a friend. When I started my experience with Audi F1 team (now Ferrari) Miller was my mentor in the starting seasons. He gave me all the knowledge he had and supported me every day...
den 2022-10-19 23:31:05 af maxodent - Likes: 8 | Rancering: 13.77)
English Vasco Guerra is the new Formula 1 World Champion on Ferrari!!! "Vasco Guerra never dies". This can be the "motto" of Formula 1 current season. The so called "Red Rocket" from Portugual conquered today the Formula 1 World title with 2 GPs left to run after a superb season with 6 ...
den 2022-10-16 21:14:00 af maxodent - Likes: 10 | Rancering: 17.08)
English The couple Kubica-Guerra takes the 50th victory in Formula 1!!! Statistics are made of numbers, and some numbers are so impressive that can become symbols, especially if they are related to wins in Formula 1. In current Formula 1 is not easy to win GPs due to high competitive level of opponents (we live in a t...
den 2022-09-22 12:23:53 af maxodent - Likes: 11 | Rancering: 19.95)
English The essence of speed: Kubica and Guerra reached 40 poles (combined) in Formula 1!!! A great day for Ferrari and for Formula 1. Kubica today took the pole in Paul Richard GP breaking the track record with a superb performance. It is not the first time for a Ferrari driver... so why it is so special? Because this pole is the number 40...
den 2022-04-13 22:20:54 af maxodent - Likes: 11 | Rancering: 20.46)
Italiano Ferrari chiama a raccolta azionisti e tifosi per donazioni al team Informazione IMPORTANTE per tutti gli azionisti e tifosi Ferrari: nelle scorse stagioni il nostro azionista più anziano, l'inglese jonasgudd, ha spesso coperto le donazioni di 5 milioni per il team. Da questa stagione.... ha finito i soldi! Quindi pe...
den 2022-04-05 21:23:53 af maxodent - Likes: 6 | Rancering: 11.36)
Italiano Ferrari chiama a raccolta i suoi tifosi per donare voting points Attenzione! Come ogni finale di stagione Ferrari chiama a raccolta i suoi azionisti e i suoi fan per la donazione dei voting points alla Scuderia. Donare i voting points è semplice e senza costi: basta andare dal menu su "Promuovere il Gioco&qu...
den 2022-03-08 22:46:42 af maxodent - Likes: 5 | Rancering: 9.39)
English Robert (Kubica) the Usurper sits again on the Iron Throne of F1! The sky is red above Abu Dhabi, Robert Kubica the Usurper wins the Formula 1 Drivers Championship on his red Ferrari! A legendary fight took place last night in Abu Dhabi between two Champions: on one side Kubica the "Usurper" on Ferrari...
den 2022-03-07 17:44:12 af maxodent - Likes: 12 | Rancering: 19.96)
Italiano Kubica l'Usurpatore è Campione del Mondo di F1 su Ferrari! Il cielo si tinge di rosso sopra Abu Dhabi: Robert Kubica l'Usurpatore è Campione del Mondo!!! Il GP di Abu Dhabi della stagione 45 entrerà nella leggenda: su quanto è accaduto oggi si scriveranno poemi, gireranno film, nonni racconteranno a nipot...
den 2022-03-07 00:57:29 af maxodent - Likes: 6 | Rancering: 11.28)
Italiano Ferrari e Kubica ribaltano il destino nel GP del Messico Gara fondamentale in ottica campionato per la Ferrari nel GP del Messico, terzultima tappa del Mondiale di Formula 1. Robert Kubica, leader del Mondiale piloti dà un calcio alla sfortuna, che lo aveva penalizzato con 4 eventi sfavorevoli negli ult...
den 2022-02-27 22:52:34 af maxodent - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 7.59)
English Miller and Guerra like... Hamilton and Verstappen?!? It is quite funny... but there are some analogies between what happen one week ago in Abu Dabi in real life and what we are seeing in MRC in the last Formula 1 GP of the season. Miller, the expert driver who lead the Champioship standing for all t...
den 2021-12-18 20:51:54 af maxodent - Likes: 11 | Rancering: 21.04)
Italiano Ferrari chiede a tifosi e azionisti di donare voting points Attenzione! Come ogni finale di stagione Ferrari chiama a raccolta i suoi azionisti e i suoi fan per la donazione dei voting points. Donare i voting points è semplice e senza costi: basta andare dal menu su "Promuovere il Gioco" - "Vo...
den 2021-12-17 15:27:02 af maxodent - Likes: 3 | Rancering: 5.75)
English Ferrari takes the double in Interlagos GP and keeps Formula 1 title "alive" Ferrari needed a miracle in order to keep "open" Formula 1 Drivers and Constructors F1 Championship, and a miracle came in Interlagos GP. Robert Kubica "the Usurper" and Vasco Guerra "the Red Rocket", starting from th...
den 2021-12-17 12:18:47 af maxodent - Likes: 4 | Rancering: 7.75)
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