Tesla Fan Championship - Época 5
Terminou há poucos dias a 5ª edição do “Tesla Fan Championship”.
A vitória no campeonato foi para a “suspeita do costume”, Nádia Portocarrero venceu o seu 4º título mas desta vez foi um pouco mais difícil já que Manuel Vicente teve um início de ca...
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Link to Standings
Forgot to mention, the full standings can be found right [URL=https://docs.go...
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Tesla Fan Championship - Season 5 Review
The 5th edition of the Tesla Fan Championship took place during the last 3 weeks.
It was the “usual suspect” winning the championship, Nádia Portocarrero took home her 4th title but this time it wasn’t plain sailing as Manuel Vicente had a perfect...
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Tesla Fan Championship - Season 4 Review
Season number 4 of the Tesla Fan Championship brought us yet another win for Nádia Portocarrero, her 3rd in a row! It has to be said though that initially it looked like we would have a great season long battle after Vasco Guerra won the first 2 race...
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Tesla Fans Championship - Época 3
A 3ª edição do “Tesla Fans Championship” foi dominada pela Nádia Portocarrero com 5 vitórias em 10 corridas, o 2º título consecutivo da Nádia no Tesla-FC. Após a corrida nº3 pareceu que o Bartolomeu Jarbas ia dar alguma luta à Nádia mas uma desistênc...
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Tesla Fan Championship - Season 3 Review
The 3rd edition of the Tesla Fans Championship was dominated by Nádia Portocarrero with 5 wins out of 10 races, Nádia’s 2nd consecutive Tesla-FC title. By race#3 it looked like Bartolomeu Jarbas might give Nádia a run for her money but a retirement f...
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Tesla Fan Championship - Época 2
A 2ª edição do “Tesla Fan Championship” terminou a semana passada com o primeiro título para a Nádia Portocarrero! No entanto não foi uma vitória fácil, até à corrida 7, o Johnny da Costa III estava a fazer um campeonato de sonho com 3 vitórias em 7 ...
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Tesla Fan Championship - Season 2 Review
The 2nd edition of the Tesla Fan Championship ended last week with a first title for Nádia Portocarrero! It wasn’t an easy win though, up until race 7 Johnny da Costa III was having a dream run with 3 wins out of 7 races and a 20 point advantage over...
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Tesla Fan Championship - Season 1 Review
The inaugural season of the Tesla Fan Championship was conquered by Johnny Da Costa III, his first Tesla/WAR fan championship meaning that Johnny currently holds the WAR Super Cup and the Tesla Fan Championship! It was not an easy title though, the 4...
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Tesla Fan Championship - Season 1
Invitations have been sent for the first edition of the Tesla Fan Championship, a series that replaces the WAR-FC. Unlike the WAR-FC, this competition runs as a private series exclusive for Tesla Racing Team fans and will run every season around the ...
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Scandinavian F1 Team
I´m currently retiring as the owner of Mercedes Benz West F1 team which is Finnish F1 team.
We don´t have any willing finnish managers who want to continue as team manager, and i really don´t want to give team to russians or americans or british.
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Strøtanker fra en nybegynder…
Er man ny I det her game og føler man sig en smule lost, så kan jeg klart anbefale at blive fan af:
Mercedes – AMG Petronas F1 (Tidligere Winfield Williams)
Jeg blev fanget af at de annoncerede private akademi serier hvor man kunne måle sig mod...
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Nations Cup Solin (U21)
Endeligt lykkedes det ....
Fra en startplads som nr.9 lykkedes det at vinde en Nations Cup løb !!
Takker for opbakningen ;-)
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Ny kører
Må jeg anbefale at læse det danske forum med guide om opsætning af en ny kører?
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Så kører det!
Det lader til at seneste tids forøgede engagement både på og ved siden af banen, har båret frugt i Rookie Serie, for William Fyllgraf har på det seneste været at finde i toppen af tabellerne, både på podiet med i særdeleshed også under de betydningsf...
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Endelig efter en forfærdelig start på Rookie series er den unge kører Gustav Svenstrup kommet op i top 8 fra startposition 29 efter han udgik i Ungarns første løb på grund af tekniske problemer.Gustav siger efter dette løb i ungarn:Jeg er meget ked a...
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ser lysere ud
endelig lykkes det at komme på podiet med en 3 plads .. og hele holdet er meget stolt over det.
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ser fremad nu
Så lykkes det endelig ... vi kom i top 8
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Audi kigger tilbage - og træder frem!
MRC F1 er en hård kamp for at være i, holdene er hårde, kørerne er hårde, at bygge en bil er hårdt, hårdt hårdt hårdt. Somme tider er det et hårdt miljø og du nødt til at ofre. For Audi Motorsport var S17 et offer - et nødvendigt onde – udvikling af ...
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Lotus SW Racing ser dagens lys.
Med køreren Tommi Madsen ved roret samt en stab af dygtige medarbejdere er projekt LOTUS SUPER WORLD RACING endelig blevet en realitet. Der vil være mange øjne der vil kigge over skuldrene når Tommi Madsen tester den første version af LOTUS raceren. ...
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Audi kigger tilbage - og træder frem!
MRC F1 er en hård kamp for at være i, holdene er hårde, kørerne er hårde, at bygge en bil er hårdt, hårdt hårdt hårdt. Somme tider er det et hårdt miljø og du nødt til at ofre. For Audi Motorsport var S17 et offer - et nødvendigt onde – udvikling af bilen var ikke eksisterende, kørerne var nødt til at ændre deres egne dæk i pitten og point ville aldrig komme til at ske. Men S17 er bag os, nu ser vi frem til S18.
En ny start fortjener et nyt syn og et nyt udseende. Vi starter fra toppen med en n...
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Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points
Another year has come and gone, and now it’s time to reward our fans for their support.
Here is the list of all voting points donations we received for season 59:
- DickDastardly... coins)
- JoeyParker... coins)
- UrošJelen... coins)
- Lumicad ..... coins)
- eXCeeD ...... coins)
- super2s43 ... 6.733
* - Porsche Racing shareholder
We will continue to reward coins for your donations for season 60 too:
- all donors of 1500+ voting points will receive 120 coins;
- all donors of 1...
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The Pegaso fanbase chooses its branding for a new era
Over the past two weeks, Escudería Pegaso, Spain's Formula One team, has held a vote to choose a new design for the upcoming seasons.
In a process limited to its shareholders and fans, a choice was made between two continuist designs, based on the [URL=https://www.you... truck, and a different one that kept the grey but added new colours, such as blue, based on the [URL=https://i.pinim... truck and the Pegaso logo from the 80s. At the same time, all the liveries had the addition of [URL=https...
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My Story: Sir_ErikSalama from Porsche shareholder to Mercedes Team Owner
Season 59 16.02.2025 is the day when i will officially give the keys of the Mercedes F1 team to someone else and that is the day when i will officially leave the Finnish team, but how did i become a team owner of Mercedes?
In 2017 i became a shareholder of Porsche which transitioned from the ashes of then British owned team Mercedes which was ran by Braveheart. Braveheart tried to sell the team, but in the end gave shares to Kacinoman who tried to fix the damage Braveheart did, but in the en...
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Announcing the Pegaso Driver Development Programme
https://i.ibb.co/Hxk... everyone.
Given the recent growth of the Pegaso Formula 1 team, we have decided to create some kind of 'driver academy'. I (nicorz) will run it with the help of Thisken and Keiyote, two incredibly experienced managers who will bring all their knowledge to the cause.
The idea is to monitor all the members of the Programme continuously, both their skills and their performance in the seasonal series, also taking into account variables such as rating, their results in t...
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Sir_ErikSalama´s Christmas Land
This took me and my dad 2 weeks to do. Our every year tadition where we try to make our house into Christmas land
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Craig Gardner finishes 5th on F1 debut
<div>Despite a relative lack of success in lower categories for a Formula 1 driver, there has been a lot of hype surrounding the arrival of Craig Gardner to the series. They've shown a lot of pace in qualifying throughout the seasons, and it was on display again in Melbourne as Gardner finished Q3 in 6th ahead of former world champion Ca... however was understandably nervous on lap 1, and conceded the place back to the Red Bull driver before settling into 7th place until...
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Porsche Racing: Superlicence for free
I would like to remind everyone, that we are still rewarding our supporters that help us with their activity/voting point donations.
By regularly voting and logging in daily our supporters can earn enough points to get enough points to buy themself a superlicence for the entire season.
If you don’t know how to vote, you can check the video tutorial we’ve made:
- https://www.youtube.... the end of the season:
- all donors of 1500+ voting points will receive 120 coins;
- all donors of 125...
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Erik Rosberg´s 5 Season Domination
Last 5 seasons have been successful for Erik Rosberg
Season 54: Erik Rosberg wins the TCR Europe championship.
Season 55: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship.
Season 56: Erik Rosberg wins the V8 Championship for the second time.
Season 57: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship.
Season 58: Erik Rosberg wins the World TCR Championship for the second time
Four races remain in the World TCR series, and the lead over competitors is 107 points.
Erik Rosberg has climbed in...
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The Triple Crown
The Triple Crown is the most important and prestigious achievement in all of motorsport and it consists of winning the <b>Monaco Grand Prix</b>, the <b>Indianapolis 500</b> and the <b>24 Hours of Le Mans</b>. With the arrival of hypercars in the game last season, the achievement can now be won in-game too.<div><b... I decided to search for who could be the first driver to achieve such an important career goal.</div><... closest active driver t...
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