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WRS R1-5 report: Close, but not close enough

WRS Monte-Carlo (361.4km distance) Jan Zhuk's campaign could not have started any worse: DNF on stage 1, and after 2 DNF's last season too. Meanwhile, Cels was struggling; a puncture on stage 7 and bad tyre call on day 3 opened the door for Pankrác Zatáčka to win the opener and set the tone for a serious title bid. And yet they would be denied, despite having 28 seconds to play with on day 4, by a hard charging Visvaldis. 1st: V. Cels/V. Markov, 4:08:43.514 2nd: P. Zatacka/A. Haggui, +1...

den 2023-05-04 10:41:10 af Ohayoghurt

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