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Pressemeddelelser - F1 Series I Edition - Summary

F1 Series I Edition - Summary

This season I decided to create an alternative F1 Series. F3 cars mean that all have equal chances. In this competition most of the top drivers took part. Series was divided into 5 single private series. You can see summed up standing below.

Some curiosities:
- Sidorskiy was definitely the best qualifier in the pack. 8/20 PPs is 40% effectiveness. On the other side, he only managed to win twice.
- Markelov, current F1 Champion proved that last F1 season wasn't an accident. He didn't score any PP, but he won 4 races.
- Luce won the most - 5 races. Similar to Markelov, he showed that you don't need to start from P1 to win.
- Bum was the driver, who scored in all races, but one. Mang and Scher took 2nd place in this ranking and scored in 18 races.

den 2019-03-06 12:24:31 af Wokinger
Likes: 20 | Rancering: 37.29

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