Pressemeddelelser - More posts
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I think there would be more posts, if there was a notification that there is a NEW post on the series page... I dont check the series chat because there is no notification that there is a new post.
den 2018-12-03 23:55:49 af daniel00cro
Dette er en raktion til følgende pressemeddelse:
No one uses the Series chats Anymore
den 2018-12-02 19:04:04 af AlanDavis
Likes: 8
Score: 14.985
for the last 6 Seasons I have posted in what ever series chat I happen to be in no one ever responds no matter what i say I always start the season with a good luck to everyone trying to get people talking but in the last 6 seasons not one hi how did...
Reaktioner til pressemeddelse
Low Profile
den 2018-12-07 18:48:30 af Mobeer
Likes: 3
Score: 5.761
I suspect season chats are little used because they are not publicised. I wonder how many users even know they exist? Maybe a message to say a new season is starting and greet your fellow drivers here.. would help.