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Pressemeddelelser - WilliamsF1 new livery contest

WilliamsF1 new livery contest

Hello everyone!

We are launching a contest for F1 livery designers for the first time in a long time. If you have the skills to make great looking cars send us a picture of your Williams car!

The competition time is from now until the end of the final F1 race of this season and competition involves a coin reward of 100 coins.

The livery can be fictional or historical livery so no restrictions are made here. Send the competition pictures to me with private message or post them to Williams F1 Team forum in the international forums.

Thank you for reading and welcome to enter the competition!

den 2018-10-02 06:09:22 af Petu_
Likes: 12 | Rancering: 20.30

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