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We have always been proud of the team's fans and we always did our best to keep the WAR Community engaged and rewarded. We run 2 seasonal competitions and voting points contest, we provide support for the needed fans and try to enrich their MRC experience as much as possible. We believe that doing so we help the fans, we help the game and the team wins back in return as well.

Over the seasons, ever since not long after F1 was created, one fan stood out in particular: Andito. His previous driver, Laimnesis Kauss, drove for WAR between seasons 11-13, scoring 30 points in total in a time things didn't look too bright for the team. His driver donations to the team sum up to over 10M, the second highest ranked manager in that category just behind the team's manager. Apart from his contributions, he remained one of our most active fans in the community long past his driver leaving WAR and even retiring.

For his outstanding contribution to the team the WAR Boardroom has decided to reward Andito by inviting him to the team as a shareholder. An offer that he accepted!

den 2017-08-11 16:04:01 af toturi
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