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Pressemeddelelser - Raffa Putra Entered Asian F2 Series

Raffa Putra Entered Asian F2 Series

The third season for Raffa Putra already entered. The new season provides a challenge far more rigorous competition and challenging to conquer.

The third season was marked by the participation of Raffa in Asia F2 Series Reem. This is a remarkable achievement because it has been an increased level of open wheeler racing that has followed the young man from Indonesia.

"I expect a lot with my participation in the event F2 Asia Series Reem, frankly, I and the team have realized that the race in F2 will be much more difficult than before," said Raffa.

The second season contains a variety of racing as well as a number of racing series DWTS F3 where the total has been done 82 times start, 1 time finish top five, and three times to finish top ten.

Reem F2 Series Asia event will be conducted in ten circuits. Circuits that will organize like Sepang in Malaysia, Zhuhai in China, or Suzuka in Japan.

"We remain confident that our presence in Asia F2 Series Reem, will give a fresh new look for this team and also for the improvement of my career," said Raffa sure.

den 2016-07-02 11:11:01 af KasetEksotika
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