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Pressemeddelelser - Great Expectations Young Driver From Indonesia

Great Expectations Young Driver From Indonesia

Entering the 18th racing season has been undertaken by Raffa Putra. This season he join in the arena DWTS.

Raffa joined the team EWA Racing with Mercedes - Benz V8 car.

The target being pursued is to try to continue to improve the position of the standings until the end of the season .

Raffa also continued to hone his talent in F3 racing in a number of series .

Last season he managed to win two races and a couple of times in the top ten.

"I expect many to continue to improve my racing experience by following the series that competition is tight. Thank you very much for outstanding support from the team so far," said the driver who was not yet 20 years old.

den 2016-05-09 14:55:40 af KasetEksotika
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