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Pressemeddelelser - Superlicense for free from Porsche Racing? Is it legal?

Superlicense for free from Porsche Racing? Is it legal?

You might wonder why I am writing this press release. Am I against such an approach? Am I trying to demotivate people from accepting this deal with Porsche Racing? Check the full story...

Heh, it seems weird but I do not mind what Porche Racing is doing. 

Actually, I am testing a new way to publish press releases from the new UI. Formatting text will be much easier from now, and attaching images too.

You will also be able to use the right text-align.

Or center...

Or simply extra THINGSTMDOWN... And if it is all wrong, just DELETE IT!

Btw have you already tried new game UI?
den 2024-04-14 18:00:18 af DebiK
Likes: 13 | Rancering: 21.57
Dette er en raktion til følgende pressemeddelse:

Porsche Racing: Superlicence for free

den 2024-04-10 10:46:15 af gripy - Likes: 23 | Score: 33.800

Many seasons ago we have decided to start rewarding our supporters that help us with their activity/voting point donations, and we will continue to reward our supporters in the future too. In fact, we have increased few seasons ago. By regularly v...

Reaktioner til pressemeddelse

New Game UI

den 2024-04-15 18:11:47 af DebiK - Likes: 8 | Score: 14.070

Another press release about the new UI. Of course, I do it for testing purposes mostly, but there are more things. So it might be interesting to read this story!

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