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Pressemeddelelser - From the Ashes to the End

From the Ashes to the End

With the deal of trading “Team 12” to the North American consortium (Penske) not having worked out, McLaren Racing rises from the ashes as McLaren F1 Team with Novikov winning the driver’s championship, with establishing a new management team of knowledgeable and experienced team managers that will be introduced at the beginning of next week, and with a car that will enable Novikov and Szabo to fight for more titles in season 38.

Also, with Wokinger/Bum retiring from Formula 1 as well, another era is ending – thank you for having accompanied me and McLaren Racing for eight great seasons with 35 victories (so far) and scoring a total of more than 1800 points (!)

And finally, congratulations for winning the driver’s championship, and thank you Michael! I feel relieved to be allowed leaving at the end of a title-crowned season and joining the command post one last time without any concerns about things that might possibly happen in the deserts of Yas Marina...

This is no see you, this is goodbye :)

den 2020-06-26 14:31:19 af RngRouletteF1
Likes: 13 | Rancering: 23.83
Reaktioner til pressemeddelse

Thank you, McLaren!

den 2020-07-01 14:38:55 af Wokinger - Likes: 6 | Score: 9.557

It was a great time. We spent wonderful seasons together. I would not have been a champion without such a great manager and team! I know that statistics like 35 victories is TOP3, which proves how strong packet was McLaren&Bum. Now it's time to b...

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