Who is the most Improved F1 team?
Miami Biggest news story was the winner of the race on the last lap. Nor was it red Bull taking 1 and 2 in qualifications. It was about the team Rated dead last at the star6t of the season. The 15th place team Tarufi of Italy got a podium. That make...
Dne 2025-03-12 20:01:29 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 8
Rating: 13.26)
Chevy reaches Competitive Status!
A new Era Has dawned in Chevy F1. In season 60 Chevy has 4th or 5th best Car in the Field. Yet it is close enough to reach podiums in Races as well.
The time is Now! for all your Chevy supporters have been waiting for years. Get out there show ...
Dne 2025-02-26 16:11:54 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 11
Rating: 16.88)
Chevy development projects are on par with the Rest of F1
While am still disappointed with the Engine we made for this cycle. That really lead to some learning of what went wrong from other managers advice. We have redone how we approach each project and the results are now greatly improved.
So much so...
Dne 2023-06-05 09:33:13 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 6
Rating: 10.48)
New Manager and ones struggling to get Wins
Hi My name is Terry and yes this is my real name!
I would like to help anyone struggling in the game to race faster and finish more races. I am not the best manager in the game but i have vast experience in MRC. But if you look at the records of...
Dne 2023-04-07 00:09:54 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 11
Rating: 17.49)
The Oure CHevy Built car has arrived!
I am pleased to present the Chevy f1 car for season 51. The planning of this Car started before the last engine build. All the blood sweat and many tears are in this car.
When your a low budget team it is very difficult to prioritize what devel...
Dne 2023-04-03 12:40:26 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 4
Rating: 7.48)
Random allotment is a Nightmare
I certainly tried several seasons ago to not have the worst possible nightmare happen in one Season. That is to build a new engine from scratch and a gearbox all in same season. This all because some people think it a good Idea to have random allotm...
Dne 2022-11-01 14:36:51 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 4
Rating: 7.83)
Being a team manager is very hard for all teams!
2 years ago I took over Mercedes now Chevy. I took Chevy vs LKR for the challenge and old friend had been asking me to run the team for years.
I came into the team in Crisis mode. We had new 4 part engine on the horizon but staff was no where ne...
Dne 2022-08-16 09:37:45 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 5
Rating: 9.65)
I am Thankful to our Drivers!
I wish to express my Thanks for our drivers Fedor and Avery. They did a great job for us every season they drove for Chevy. I never was able to give the the cars I hoped for. Never the engines I wished for either. But they went out there and Showed...
Dne 2021-12-30 09:19:45 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 4
Rating: 7.73)
Debik system for is Fair
I wish to explain something That happen. We did put in a bid for 500 coins on day 71 for the remaining shares. The program at that time said I needed to bid 500 coins for the remaining unassigned shares. So that happened I accepted it. Then wrote th...
Dne 2021-12-23 11:29:13 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 2
Rating: 3.90)
Maybe a slightly different approach is needed.
often we complain about changes even if there is some positives. The origonal Idea about unfairness in top 3 teams stems from share issue 2.. My team with 600 rating no matter how much Image we Buy! still falls way short of the top 3 sponsor offers....
Dne 2021-12-22 10:23:39 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 4
Rating: 7.72)
New Share Issue system
While a friend sent me link to New share issue written on the blog. While it all sound goods in theory. In practice is what I wish to inform you on. Chevy must do both share issue to "Pay to close the Gap" in Developers terms. In my words...
Dne 2021-12-20 08:57:13 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 4
Rating: 7.70)
Tex Cobb races His way into F2 Championship Contender!
Tex Cobb career has been a major let down since his mid twenties.
Nothing has went quite right.. This season alone Me managing this driver the first week was a total disaster. I was even warned by staff to not write articles here becuase of the fir...
Dne 2021-11-29 04:35:59 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 2
Rating: 3.32)
F2 world is totally bugged
On Wednesday Tex cobb and ScherrII finished the Pole 1 and 2. But In the Race today Tex pole winner started 10th Scher II started 9th. That is a OBvious bug!
But it does not end there! went to practice for sundays race there.. It lists a One p...
Dne 2021-10-16 03:44:04 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 2
Rating: 3.90)
Maybe it is Time for a change in Chassis designs
Since chassis are the Key component in F1 Car design. It effects everything on the Car. Maybe instead as Chassis template of Speed Nuetral handling or downforce. With mystical Values of what the attribute of the car will be.. Maybe we should be able...
Dne 2021-10-11 21:15:26 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 4
Rating: 7.79)
Since i posted this we had some livery changes
We should thank Jordimontane for his excellent work. If you need a livery contact him to run his style he designed.
Dne 2021-10-07 13:06:28 publikoval manažer TerryWilson
Oblíbeno: 6
Rating: 11.56)