Tiskové zprávy - Pause - better...
Pause - better...
It's always difficult to me, to write such messages. It was great time in the game. I was pleased to play with you, this is great, when you understand someone. Hope, that you will be having more free time in the future, and return, like me.
Best of luck for you and your family, I know, you will be the best father for your kid!!!
Dne 2022-10-21 15:41:48 publikoval manažer Somebodystopme

Toto je reakce na následující tiskové prohlášení:
The end of Miller's career.
Dne 2022-10-17 00:40:35 publikoval manažer Miller
Oblíbeno: 32
Skore: 52.686
Hi, friends! Today I discovered that I have been taking part in this game for more than eight years. This is a very long time. During this time, I managed to get married, get divorced, get married again and finally become the father of a wonderful ...